The Royal Library Garden
Proviantpassagen 6


coordinates: 55.6753273,12.5814886
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Building names(s): Danish Jewish Museum / Dansk Jodisk Museum
Architect/Designer: Daniel Libeskind
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Completion date: 2004

Opening hours: Winter Tuesday to Friday: 1 pm - 4 pm Saturday and Sunday: 12 noon - 5 pm Monday closed Summer (1 June - 31 August) Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm Monday closed museum website: www.jewmus.dk Admission costs: DKK 50 getting there: If you walk from the square in front of Christiansborg Palace, go through the small passage left of the main palace, turn left and walk through The Royal Library Garden. The museum’s entrance is located in the red building at the end of the garden. Walking from Christians Brygge by the waterfront, walk around The Royal Library’s old building. The museums entrance is facing The Royal Library Garden on the corner of the red library building.