Itami Jun

427, Sangcheon-ri
Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si
Jeju Island


coordinates: 33.3050270,126.3874969
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Building names(s): Church of Sky
Architect/Designer: Jun Itami
more images:

Itami Jun

Completion date: 2009

completion date: 2009

function(s): church, religious

check out: The Natural light is funnelled into the entrance hall through a tapering, rhomboidal shaft and the side walls of the church are clad in long strips of translucent and clear glass. Thus the subtle changes in light and shadows filter through in to the interior space, "washing through the sober space and subtly imparting a sense of the numinous...". architectural drawings:
Site Plan

Site Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Longitudinal Section

Longitudinal Section

Cross Section

Cross Section