


coordinates: 69.6398239,18.9440784
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Building names(s): Strandkanten Area 3
Architect/Designer: 70ºN Arkitektur
architect website: www.70n.no
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70ºN Arkitektur

Completion date: 2007

function(s): multi-dwelling, residential

This project is part of a masterplan for a new housing area that looks to develop a reclaimed area of the Tromsø strait. Situated just south of the centre of Tromsø, this area is an important part of the city’s development strategy, where a concentrated growth from within will strengthen the activity in the centre and reduce the need for transportation.  The entire area is expected to be developed with 900 dwellings on a site of 88 decar. The development plan is concentrating on ensuring the quality of the outdoor areas as well as maintaining the high density. The contents and quality of the outdoor areas will be a deciding factor for the development of the area. In 2003-2007 area III was built with 70°N arkitektur as architect.
Architect's Drawings/Details: