Avenida da Boavista 604


coordinates: 41.1586876,-8.6306829
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Building names(s): Casa da Musica
Architect/Designer: OMA
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Completion date: 2005

function(s): auditorium, concert hall, performing arts center

getting there: PUBLIC TRANSPORT - METRO DO PORTO (underground): Lines A, B, C and E all stop at the Casa da Música station and there is a pedestrian exit on Avenida de França. There are bus connections from the Casa da Música's station. For further information please phone Linha Olá Metro! on +351 808 20 50 60. If you prefer to come by bus, services 202, 204, 402, 501, 503, 504, 601, 704, 803, 902 or 903 all stop in the vicinity of Casa da Música. museum website: www.casadamusica.com tours: The best way to get to know Casa da Música is to take a guided tour. These tours, led by guides who describe and explain the building, its construction, its architecture and its function last approximately one hour. UNBOOKED VISITS Monday to Friday Portuguese 11:00 | 15:30 English 11:00 | 15:30 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays Portuguese 10:30 | 15:00 | 16:00 English 10:30 | 16:00 BOOKED VISITS (GROUPS) Groups of 15 to 35 (Previous booking necessary) Reservations T +35 1 220 120 210