kiefholzstrabe 221
Berlin-Treptow [w-5]


coordinates: 52.4595413,13.4911785
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Building names(s): Treptow Crematorium / Krematorium Baumschulenweg
Architect/Designer: Axel Schultes + Charlotte Frank
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Completion date: 1998

function(s): crematorium

website: www.krematorium-berlin.de getting there: S-Bahn S8, S9, S45, S46 or S47 to S-Bahnhof Baumschulenweg 900 m footpath on Baumschulenstraße and Kiefholzstraße S-Bahn S8, S9, S45, S46 or S47 to S-Bahnhof Schöneweide Bus 166 2 bus stops to crematorium