Imabari 2418 Urado

coordinates: 34.2136459,132.9503174
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Building names(s): Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture
Architect/Designer: Toyo Ito
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Toyo Ito Architects

Completion date: 2011

function(s): gallery, museum

Open Hours: 9:00 – 17:00 Tuesday - Friday

admission cost: 800yen

getting there:

From Hiroshima Airport

By car or taxi
to Tadanoumi-ko Ferry Terminal
→ take a ferry to Sakari-ko of Omishima

From Hiroshima and Fukuyama

By car
30 mins drive from Omishima I.C., Nishi-Seto Expressway (Setouchi-Shimanami Kaido)

By bus
Take the Shimanami Liner Bus from Hiroshima Bus Center or Fukuyama Station to "Omishima Island"
→ Take a local bus to "Tunnel-Shita",
→ Take another bus to "Tokoro Museum"
→ 3 mins walk

From Matsuyama and Imabari

By car
30 mins drive from Omishima I.C., Nishi-Seto Expressway (Setouchi-Shimanami Kaido)

By bus
Take an express or special express bus to "Miyaura Harbour"(Miyaura-Ko) from Matsuyama or Imabari railway station
→ Take a local bus to "Tokoro Museum"
→ 3 mins walk

By ferry
Take a slow or fast ferry from Imabari port to Munakata port, Omishima
→ Take a local bus to "Tokoro Museum"
→ 3 mins walk

website: www.tima-imabari.jp

about the museum:

The Museum sits on a hilly site and consists of two buildings designed by Ito.  The first building “Steel Hut”, houses an exhibition of Ito’s works.   The second building “Silver Hut”, modelled after his own house, is used as a workshop and events space.

architectural drawings: