Castello 5252


coordinates: 45.4370193,12.3416052
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Building names(s): Querini Stampalia Foundation / Pinacoteca Querini Stampalia
Architect/Designer: Carlo Scarpa
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Completion date: 1963 (alteration)

function(s): museum

Opening hours: Museum exhibitions:
    Tuesday to Saturday 10:00-20:00 Sunday and holidays 10:00-19:00 closed Monday.
Library and Emeroteca:
    Tuesday to Saturday 10:00- 24:00 Sunday and holidays 10:00-19:00 closed Monday
    Tuesday to Saturday 10:00-20.15 Sunday and holidays 10:00 -19.15 closed Monday
Cafeteria and Restaurant:
    Tuesday to Saturday 10:00-23.45 Sunday and holidays 10:00-19:00 closed Monday
Getting there: You can easily walk to this museum, since it is in the city centre of Venice, about 5 min walk from the famous Rialto Bridge or plaza San Marco.  The foundation is located on the square of Campo Santa Maria Formosa. Other information: Founded in 1869 by the will of John Conte, the last descendant of the family of Venetian patrician Querini Stampalia. It is the only example where, of an ancient family, they preserved heritage, home, library, archives, collections of art, furniture and furnishings. The sixteenth century palace, located between Rialto and San Marco, houses a library, civic center and historical museum. The ground floor and garden were redesigned by Carlo Scarpa in the early 60s. Recently Mario Botta has designed the new access, bookshop and cafeteria. website: www.querinistampalia.it (only in italian) website (architect): www.archiviocarloscarpa.it