Stanley Place


coordinates: -27.4724236,153.0186157
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Building names(s): Queensland Art Gallery
Architect/Designer: Robin Gibson
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Completion date: 1982

function(s): gallery, museum

gallery website: http://qag.qld.gov.au Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm Saturday and Sunday 9.00am - 5.00pm admission costs: Free, except for special exhibitions and some Cinematheque programs. getting there:
  • By bus Alight at the Cultural Centre Busway in Melbourne Street. Chartered bus temporary set-down in Stanley Place.
  • By train Alight at South Brisbane Station, corner of Melbourne and Grey Streets.
  • By CityCat and ferry The CityCat and City Ferry terminals are located at South Bank 1 CityCate terminal.
  • By foot The Gallery is a short walk from the Central Business District across Victoria Bridge and South Bank Parklands.