Oosterdokskade 143

1011 DL

coordinates: 52.3760643,4.9074016
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Building names(s): Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam / Amsterdam Public Library
Architect/Designer: Jo Coenen & Co Architekten
architect website: www.jocoenen.com
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Completion date: 2007

function(s): library

website: www.oba.nl getting there: The Central Library can be reached by public transport, using all metros, trams and buses terminating at Amsterdam Central Station. The library is a few minutes’ walk from the Central Station. from Amsterdam Central Station: Take exit to centre, turn left (in easterly direction) past the bus stops. Follow signs to Oosterdok, over the bicycle bridge over the water, past the Chinese restaurant (on the right). At the end of the bicycle bridge, turn left toward the Central Library. You can also reach the library on the Stop/Go bus service. This line stops right outside the library, with a bus arriving there every twelve minutes. tip: you can use the internet for free here.