Mirante da Boa Viagem
24210-390 Niterói
Rio de Janeiro


coordinates: -22.9076252,-43.1261215
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Building names(s): Niterói Contemporary Art Museum (MAC) / Museu de Arte Contemporanea
Architect/Designer: Oscar Niemeyer
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Completion date:

function(s): gallery, museum

Completed: 1996 website: www.macniteroi.com.br (in Portuguese) Admission: R$4.00 Opening hours: Tues-Frid 10am-6pm / Sat-Sun 11am-7pm getting there: Ferry from Praca Quinze de Novembro, Centro (R$2.10 one way) to Niteroi every 30 minutes then catch Bus 47b (there is a Niteroi tourist information centre just to the left as you exit the Niteroi Ferry Terminal - where you can obtain a map and further information)