Contemporary International Practical Exhibition of Architecture
Pearl Spring Development


coordinates: 32.1155853,118.6393051
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Building names(s): Nanjing Sifang Art Museum
Architect/Designer: Steven Holl
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nanjing sifang museum

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Steven Holl Architects

Completion date: 2011

function(s): gallery, museum

Project Area: 20,000 sqf The new museum is sited at the gateway to the Contemporary International Practical Exhibition of Architecture in the lush green landscape of the Pearl Spring near Nanjing, China. It explores the shifting viewpoints, layers of space, and expanses of mist and water, which characterize the deep alternating spatial mysteries of early Chinese painting. Scheduled to Open to the public in fall 2011. architectural drawings: Site Plan landscape plan Basement Plan ground floor plan floating gallery plan floating gallery section section