Amager Strandvej 301
2770 Kastrup


coordinates: 55.6454353,12.6495333
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Building names(s): Kastrup Sea Baths / KASTRUP SØBAD SEAWATER LIDO
Architect/Designer: White Arkitekter
architect website: en.white.se
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Picture 1 of 2

Photograph by Ole Haupt

Completion date:

function(s): baths, swimming pool

Inauguration: May 2005

function: Public sea baths facility

bath website: www.taarnby.dk

opening hours:

june weekdays 15.00 -18.00 Weekend / the holiday 11.00 -18.00
july weekdays 11.00 -20.00 Weekend / the holiday 11.00 -20.00
august weekdays 15.00 -20.00 Weekend / the holiday 11.00 -20.00
1 .-15. september weekdays 15.00 -20.00 Weekend / the holiday 11.00 -20.00