Cristián Undurraga (born October 13, 1954 in Santiago, Chile) is a Chilean architect. Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 1977, with highest degree. The same year he obtains first prize as young architect at the Chilean architectural biennale. In 1978 founds Undurraga Deves Studio. Recently, the civic center at Santiago has been reshaped with the completion of the Plaza de la Ciudadanía, allowing Cristian Undurraga to enhance the urban quality of the whole area. Three monographic studies about his work and projects, published in Chile, Colombia, and South Korea, and many articles show Undurraga's commitment to excellence in architecture. Cristian Undurraga has played a significant role in Chilean and Latin American architecture not only as an architect but also as President of the XV Biennial of Architecture, as Professor in different periods at the Universidad Católica School of Architecture and as lecturer at national an foreign universities and educational centers. Awards: 1991 Andrea Palladio International Prize 2004 gold medal at the Miami biennale 2004 International Award in the Biennale Iberoamericana de Quito
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Jorge Carroza Gallery

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Location: Santiago, Chile
Architect/Designers: Cristián Undurraga